After many years of experience and a desire to provide more relief and comfort to patients, Dr. Brian Ruggiero has expanded his practice beyond treatments to the physical body to relieve pain. Incorporating energy healing and shamanic healing into Healing Arts Chiropractic & Wellness Center services offers a more holistic approach to pain relief to achieve an improved quality of life.

Energy Healing
Often, patients present with physical symptoms that reflect issues and pain that go beyond the physical body. In these cases, energy healing is an approach that offers tremendous benefit and pain relief.
Long before Dr. Ruggiero became aware of Reconnective Healing®, he would often say to patients that he wished he could “just wave my hands over you so that you could be free of your pain once and for all.”
Reconnective Healing is a form of “hands-off” energy healing that clears and balances meridians and the energetic field to return the body to an optimal state of balance. Based on Dr. Eric Pearl’s work, Reconnective Healing helps patients find relief to their ailments as an alternative energy healing therapy.
Dr. Ruggiero is trained in Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection® and offers these energy healing therapies to patients. With years of experience, Dr. Ruggiero has helped patients realize significant health improvements from chronic physical and emotional issues that have plagued them for years. Many clients have noticed an overall refocus and acceleration onto their own life path.
Shamanic Healing
Shamanism is a spiritual, non-religious, practice that strives to reach deep levels of memory, an understanding of our ancestry, and the acknowledgment of a primal belief system. Shamanic healing offers a healing of energies that lies at the root of existing problems and taps into energies that are needed to resolve the issue.
Dr. Ruggiero, to find more in-depth knowledge and additional tools to offer patients to clear and promote the energetic field, chakra, and meridian balancing and healing for patients, became a Certified Shamanic Healer under a program designed by Natalie Griffin.
Based upon a combination of transpersonal coaching and ancient healing techniques, Shamanic Healing supports and creates a sacred place for patients to reveal and be set free from existing toxic patterns and limiting issues. Shamanic Healing opens a door for patients to clear karma and ancestral baggage, discover their Dharma (the Soul’s mission), and live a more fulfilled life.
Chiropractic, Energy Healing & Shamanic Healing Treatment
Patients who experience pain are recommended to undertake chiropractic treatment first, followed by energy work. The chiropractic adjustment balances and aligns the structure of the body, while stirring lingering energetic fields that may be stuck in a negative pattern. Following an acupuncture session with energy healing work allows any residual pain to diminish as it facilitates the clearing of meridians and chakras and resumes free flow once again.
Contact Dr. Ruggiero at 860-643-2888 at any time to discuss what treatments might help you and schedule an appointment.